
Clarity Before Comments

Stop trying to solve problems before people are ready. It's time to get on the same page using Finding Good's new tool. The average person has about 27 conversations a day. Why not make one of them intentional? Use it...


We're excited to announce our new Community and are very glad you're here. Check back regularly for new information, try the forum, and view all the resources we have to offer. We look forward to helping you gain clarity and...

An Embarrassing Lesson

People talk all the time about turning mistakes into learning experiences. But, when I stood in the lobby of a fancy hotel, wearing nothing but my tighty whities, learning was the last thing on my mind. It was about two...

The Spelling Bee

A young child practiced spelling for weeks. Thinking of words in his head, writing down how he thought they would be spelled, then looking them up to see if he was correct. The image of the kid who had won...